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The best time to prepare for any disaster is before it happens.



Would you be ready if a major earthquake or other disaster occurred?


Where will you or your family be when such a disaster strikes? Will you be working, golfing, dining, at a movie, visiting friends, shopping, at the doctor's office, or at home asleep or watching TV? Will your children be at school or an afterschool activity? Will you be out of town?

If we have a large earthquake, we are not talking about the average earthquake often felt in Coachella Valley. Instead, we refer to a MEGA earthquake exceeding 7.5, which the experts predict will occur within the next 30 or so years. It is not a question of IF but WHEN this earthquake will happen. The intensity of such a magnitude earthquake may well destroy buildings, roads, and basic service lines.


Earthquake disasters strike quickly and without warning and can force you to evacuate your home or neighborhood or confine you to your home or neighborhood. Other emergencies could include chemical spills, fires, or floods.

If we have a large earthquake, we are not talking about the average earthquake often felt in Coachella Valley. Instead, we refer to a MEGA earthquake exceeding 7.5, which the experts predict will occur within the next 30 or so years. It is not a question of IF but WHEN this earthquake will happen. The intensity of such a magnitude earthquake may well destroy buildings, roads, and basic service lines.


Earthquake disasters strike quickly and without warning and can force you to evacuate your home or neighborhood or confine you to your home or neighborhood. Other emergencies could include chemical spills, fires, or floods.

What would you do if basic services were cut off - no electricity, gas, water, phone service, and cell phones? What would you do if a significant earthquake occurred during the summer with 110-degree temperatures?

Local agencies such as police and fire and relief workers such as Red Cross and Salvation Army will try to be on the scene. Still, realistically, in a major earthquake, we will be on our own for a lengthy period – two weeks is a conservative estimate. However, some experts have predicted up to thirty days. Under these circumstances, you will be your own first responder. You must plan to take care of yourselves, your loved ones, and your pets.


You are responsible for being prepared. If you do it, have supplies ready, have a plan, and are prepared, you can be ready and hope that it doesn't happen, but you will be assured that if it does, you, your family, and your pets will be okay.

This information is to help you think and plan and to suggest how to do it. So then, if you ever face a mega earthquake, you will be prepared to act with knowledge, foresight, and safety.


Follow These Steps

Follow the steps outlined in this online handbook and have peace of mind that YOU ARE PREPARED! Feel free to print any information or bookmark links on your computer.

1. Master the 7 Steps to Earthquake Safety


  • Booklet option: The Seven Steps are also featured within the Staying Safe Where the Earth Shakes booklets, available in English, Spanish, and Chinese (statewide) and ten regional versions.


  • Accessibility information here (for persons with disabilities, various languages)


2. Make a Family Plan -


  • Make a plan today. Your family may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is essential to know which types of disasters could affect your area. Know how you'll contact one another and reconnect if separated. Establish a family meeting place that's familiar and easy to find.


A template for a family plan is here:

3. Stay Safe After an Earthquake -


  • After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. Being prepared means having your own food, water, and other supplies to last for several days. A disaster supplies kit is a collection of essential items your household may need in an emergency.​




Prepare to be Safe

Practice the Techniques: Drop, Cover and Hold On



1. Go to "Stay Safe After" here:

After an earthquake, there can be severe hazards, such as damage to the building, leaking gas and water lines, or downed power lines.

2. Be the Help Until Help Arrives:

Learn five simple steps that may save a life

3. Register on the American Red Cross "Safe and Well" website, so people will know you are okay.

4. Online STOP THE BLEED Training

With three quick actions, you can be trained to save a life. The number 1 cause of preventable death after an injury is bleeding. That's why we want to train you how to STOP THE BLEED®.


Why Learn? A bleeding injury can happen anywhere. We've all seen it happen too often— on the news or in everyday life. Life-threatening bleeding can happen in people injured in serious accidents or disasters. Instead of being a witness; you can become an immediate responder because you know how to STOP THE BLEED®




1. FEMA Tools for Homeowners

a. Booklet:  Earthquake Safety at Home

b. FEMA Poster "Be Prepared for an Earthquake" here

c. FEMA Video: "11 Items FEMA Wants You to Keep in Your Home"

2. American Red Cross Earthquake Information: Preparation Help

a. Teach Kids about Earthquakes here

b. Pet disaster preparedness here

c. Persons with Disabilities disaster preparation here

d. Earthquake Safety Checklist here

e. Free emergency phone app here (Google and Android phones)

f. Disaster repair and cleanup here

g. Emotional response assistance here

h. Video: How to Build an Emergency Kit here

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